Meet the CEO

In 1991 Maria Jones was laid off as a RIF from State government after almost 30 years in State service. Seeking the assistance of legal counsel to help fight the injustice that had occurred, she was financially unable to obtain one with each door being slammed in her face – after the words “You’ve got a good case but we need a retainer.” It was that futility that inspired Jones eventually to use her knowledge of civil rights law to form JEM Associates Consulting Services, to become that “bridge over troubled waters” to any individual who found him or herself in need of help but unable to afford it. Because she was not an attorney and therefore unable to represent her clients as such, she advised them, “If I can’t resolve this for you, I will do everything needed to get you to the courthouse door.”

She took all that she has learned and experienced for over half a century and today is known by many as the Professor.   She is that go to font of knowledge but relishes teaching others how to avoid and defeat the pitfalls of society. And she went into the workplace to review policies and practices and make changes to insure that employees were being treated fairly under the law before discrimination occurred (or eliminated it where it was happening).

And then came the invitations to tell her story. Of how she made it back. She became and remains an inspiration to those who heard her including a 7 year old boy who was being laughed at as he stuttered, trying to ask her a question. Jones held up her hand for silence as she turned from the group and quietly conferred with the teacher. She turned back to the audience and leaning in the direction of the child proudly proclaimed to all, but especially to him, that he was never to be sad again because she too IS a stutterer, standing before him and all of those today. And he could do that or whatever he chose to do. And they embraced.

Or at the end of another talk, a woman stood apart from the crowd.  Finally she approached and accepted Maria’s extended hand.  She was desolate that night and had decided to end her life.  For those few minutes, however, she was drawn by the crowd or the church?  to enter.  She heard Maria’s story including HER life on the street.  If Maria made it back, then so could she.  Maria says you never know who you may be talking to or the impact of your words.  That night, Death got cheated.

Maria Jones has many years of experience at various levels of State and Federal government, including that which involves the education of youth and adults. Her most recent position is with the NJ Department of Transportation, where she serves as the Program Coordinator of the Administrative College, their internal training forum providing educational opportunities for all employees including those in leadership.

Under Jones’ management, the DOT was recognized four consecutive years for its defensive driving training by the National Safety Council (“NSC”), the foremost entity in safety awareness and education. She has distinguished herself in the driver training arena including the following:

  • National Safety Council DDC 8/6 Certified Defensive Driving Instructor
  • Provided driver awareness and defensive driver training to thousands of State employees
  • Trained-the-trainers in preparation to conduct their own driver awareness training sessions
  • Certified trainers at other State departments and businesses as their final step to fulfill NSC’s instructor criteria
Jones receiving award for Driving Instructor of the Year from Deborah Hersman, President & CEO of the National Safety Council

In 2017, Jones was recognized by NSC as its Defensive Driving Course (DDC) Instructor of the Year. She was selected from 6,000 Defensive Driving Instructors worldwide and received her award during the NSC Congress and Expo banquet in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Defined by a co-worker as the 3F’s –Fearless, Funny, & Friendly, Jones proudly accepts those three words as her new mantra. A native Jerseyite (the correct word she readily tells you for natives of New Jersey), she has spent most of her employment years in NJ State government beginning first as a secretary – to which she credits her organizational skills and excellence in doing a job well. And rising to various positions including: Senior Investigator for Law & Public Safety; Affirmative Action Specialist I for NJDOT; Administrative Assistant /Trainer at Higher Education and so on. She also worked for the US Department of State in Washington and for several non-profit entities in Pa and NYC where she was involved in the training of clients as well as deliverers of services.

Jones’s other credentials include:

  • Masters in Management
  •  Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice
  •  NJDOP Certified Trainer

Always an advocate of the community, Jones was the youngest and first two term elected President of the Trenton NAACP. She has been a television guest in the Caribbean and in NJ, producer and co-host; recurring radio show guest, and writer. She has conducted various training in forums as SME or panelist. She loves to travel with her favorite destinations being Egypt and Cuba. Some of her greatest accomplishments: rising from the ranks of homelessness; earning her MSM. Most proud: being the mother of 10 year old daughter, Aniya. Her joy and struggle in life. To support children such as Aniya, Jones formed a non-profit called The JISU Experience ( whose mission is to bring together siblings who have been separated and help them mend their fractured bond. For more detailed experience, contact Jones at

Jones is mentioned in Thomas Edison State University’s magazine Invention/Winter 2019 p20.
